
Proud Parent

Proud Parent

Small things <3

I was on duty on the day this beautiful incident happened to me. I am an airline ground staff and keep experiencing such beautiful moments once in a while.. I was one day taking care of the wheelchair access-ability on my duty, a family containing a father,son and mother(who was on wheelchair for some genetic problem). The family visited Hyderabad from Mumbai for their daughters convocation as their daughter-and a sister completed her masters in law from a esteemed university in hyderabad. The mother was enquired about why in particular she was using wheelchair (p.S: it was super weird to ask) she without dropping her smile answered me effortlessl. So that i can make a log on the passengers details. I then to make the situation pulled out a conversation with the passenger, asking her about if it was the first time visit to the city of pearls and then she opened-up telling with immense pride that her daughter had completed her studie in law from the Nalsar University-hyderabad. The smile,the pride,the happiness she had was something i could never forget. Now since i am still working at airport on these crucial days of the Covid19 outbreak, i know somewhere even my parents are proud of me and keep praying for my wellbeing. Today remembering the event mentioned, i feel i should be doing much greater things for my own good and see that immense pride,happiness on my parents faces too.

Hope you liked the story, hope its inspiring to you as it is to me too.

i will come back with many such beautiful Stories. Till then keep spreading love! 🥰🥰

Stay tuned.

Love you! 🥰😄

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