jakobwandel contributor

Floating Market in Bangkok

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market

Easily one of the most popular destinations in Bangkok is Damnoen Saduak Floating Market. The market has been around for a while and has not always been a tourist attraction. If you’re planning a trip to this market, make sure you budget ample time to get there; it’s about an hour outside of the city. The cheapest way to get there is taking the public bus. The bus does not drop passengers off right at the market so you have to walk ~20 minutes. Be sure to avoid anyone trying to sell you a boat ride in this parking lot where you get dropped off. If you walk to the market you can get one for ¼ of the price.

This is a personal preference, but you have an option to take a motorized boat or a manual row boat (you do not have to row). I took the row boat. It was nice to not have the engine blaring in my ear and it went slowly through the canal.

The sides of the canals are lined with different shops - food, crops, drinks, art, souvenirs, clothes, etc. There are also vendors that sell or cook out of boats.

I really wanted to try some pad thai that was made on one of the boats. Although it was pricer than any other pad thai I had, it was all great to experience.