
Life in Saudi Arabia

Sunset in Al Shafa Taif, Saudi Arabia

Life in Saudi Arabia

Sunset in Al Shafa Mountain

Al Shafa Mountain view is quite super awesome and majical. You can watch the sunset from the top of the mountain while seeing the endless horizon.

This place is located from the top of the mountain. So during that time we witnessed the sunset at the same there’s a fog which is gives an extra points.

Breathtaking Mountain View Breathtaking Mountain View

We just travel from the City of Taif and took an Uber because this place was an hour travel from the city of Taif. While we are in the road, we just passed by in the streets where you can buy some hot tea, corn and other foods where you can eat while witnessing the beautiful sunset.

In this place you’ll see some monkeys in the trees eating some kind of different foods which is gives an extra excitement because they were very friendly.

During winter season this places was totally cold and i think you'll have to bring additional extra jacket.

Al Shafa Mountain Al Shafa Mountain

This photo took by our Friend Bryan Vale De Guzman who is truly very passionate in the field of photography.

Life in Saudi Arabia Life in Saudi Arabia

I was capturing the moment with my friends from left (Nhoy,Uber Driver, Hanfred and Bryan). Actually we really didn't know about this place. The one who actually tells about this is our driver. He gives us an incredible place which we never really forget.

Life in Saudi Arabia is quite amazing, you’ll get bored when you didn't use your time spending and searching for the beautiful places like this. But, once you'll enjoy the Life in Saudi Arabia and able to travel for some different places here you’ll get amazed. Because Saudi Arabia has a lot of beautiful places to offer, which will give you an endless hapiness and very unforgettable moment.


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so cool!

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