
Demi Concept

Ice Cream in Bangkok

Demi Concept

Black Charcoal Ice Cream

On my first trip to Thailand, I was extremely excited to learn about the culture and amazing street food. I can honestly say that my experience went beyond my expectations while I was in Bangkok. The only thing that got to me was the extreme heat and humidity but luckily we came across an Ice Cream shop called "Demi Concept" and they have the most mind-blowing taste and style. That was absolutely the perfect way to deal with the heat. You guys have to check them out when you travel to Bangkok and you can also have a look on their Instagram page at @demiconcept. 

The ice cream is Purely vegetarian and 100% Halal.

The Sign that everybody should know of The Sign that everybody should know of

It is a nice walk down the streets of Bangkok, so on your way to the Ice Cream Truck you can start getting into the street Vibe. It is a nice walk down the streets of Bangkok, so on your way to the Ice Cream Truck you can start getting into the street Vibe.

There is always time for some street photography. There is always time for some street photography.

#icecream, #bangkok, #food, #travel, #photography, #demiconcept, #softicecream, #demiconceptbangkok, #vanillacharcoal

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