bethsandland contributor

Southern Cross Club, Little Cayman

Paradise island

Southern Cross Club, Little Cayman

Island life!

IG: @bethsandland

Reached via a tiny plane, Little Cayman is probably the closest to ‘Paradise Found’ that you’ll ever get. Whilst Grand Cayman features sprawling beaches, bouji bars and swanky resorts, Little Cayman is a haven of tranquility and rest (don’t worry, there are still plenty of adventures to be had!)

Beach side bungalows Beach side bungalows

The Southern Cross Club oozes laid back ocean charm. You’ll stay in brightly coloured beach-front bungalows, nap in hammocks in the sunshine and drink rum punch as the sunsets in the evening.

The buffet breakfast features a make your own waffle station as well as a whole array of other choices and each night of the week the restaurant hosts a different theme. If you’re staying over ‘Indian night’ you’re in for a treat!

When you’re done with sunbathing, there’s plenty of exploring to do. The Southern Cross Club has it’s own kayaks and paddle boards so you can venture over to Owen Island; a totally unpopulated little slice of paradise with crystal clear water.

The clearest water! The clearest water!

The club is also a renowned dive centre and there’s plenty of exotic marine life to be spotted in the Caribbean waters.

Fun fact! On Little Cayman there are more iguanas than people and they have right of way on the road. Yes, singular; there’s only one road!

#caymanislands, #beachliving, #beachclub, #beaches, #littlecayman, #hammocklife

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