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15 Curiosities About Ireland

Few things to know before your trip

15 Curiosities About Ireland

Pub in Dublin

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

Ireland is a great place, with ancient history, lively people and gorgeous green landscapes. If you are planning to visit or even move there, then this list is what you should be reading!

Let’s start!

1. Irish people are very friendly, chatty and convivial. If you are sitting by yourself at the table of an Irish pub, someone will probably start talking to you and will buy you a Guinness. And you can’t refuse it. This is how Irish people will welcome you in their country.

Dublin Dublin

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

2. The weather is unfortunately the sore point. Irish people are used to say that you can have 4 seasons within one single day. It’s sunny, then cloudy, then rainy, then sunny again… They rain is always round the corner, so you’d better bring a raincoat or an umbrella with you every time you go out. Weather is just crazy!

Irish landscape Irish landscape

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

3. The pub is a sort of holy place for Irish people, a real landmark, a sacred space. Pub is the main place where people socialize, meet their friends, have parties, have meals and drinks.

Pub is the place where Irish people would go after a religious ceremony, like a baptism or, even after a funeral. It is not just a place for drinking, it’s a place for sharing bad and positive feelings and emotions.

Temple Bar, Dublin Temple Bar, Dublin

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

4. Irish accent is easy to recognized, but we can’t say the same about some words or sentences which are used by Irish people only. The popular expression What’s the crack?, for example, means “What’s going on? What’s up?”. “I’am grand” or “Thanks a mil” are also considered typical Irish expressions.

5. In some parts of Ireland they still speak Irish, the ancient Gaelic language, which is also taught in school, in order to keep it alive and pass it along to new generations.

County  of Kerry County of Kerry

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

6. Ireland has became a very multicultural country, welcoming people from all over the world. Lots of foreigns students, in fact, move to Ireland to learn English and the most of the times, they end up staying longer. It seems like in Ireland everybody feels like home!

7. The traditional Irish dance is considered part of the cultural Irish heritage. In some pubs, especially in Dublin or Galway, you can easily find some shows and join the dance as well! Shall we dance?

Irish pub, Dublin Irish pub, Dublin

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

8. Rugby is Irish’s favorite sport. During the “hottest” rugby season, pubs get filled up with hundreds of fans, who love watching the games while drinking a couple of pints!

9. Live music is an essential and vital part of Irish people’s nightlife. You might find a different gig every night, in multiple bars and pubs, especially in cities like Dublin, Cork or Galway. Young artists and bands are the beating heart of the Irish nights!

10. Irish people drink a huge amount of tea, normally with some milk. Barry’s Tea is one of the most popular tea brand, which you’ll find everywhere.

11. The world-famous Guinness, is not just for drinking, but also for cooking. There are some delicious meals flavored with the popular beer, like the Guinness Irish Stew. Very, very yummy!

Irish Pub Irish Pub

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

12. Irish people love eating potatoes and cooking them in different ways .Potatoes are probably the main ingredient of the Irish cousine. They also love chips, which are often eaten together with a sandwich, as if it was a side dish.

13. Ireland is very green, so green that you won’t believe your eyes. The countryside is huge and still populated by shepherds and ship. It is very easy to get away from the big cities and get some peace in the rural area.

Cork Cork

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

14. Ireland has its roots in the ancient and fascinating Celtic culture, which is still kept alive through various events, like Beltane Fire Festival ( , a reproposal of an old ritual. This side of the Irish culture, is absolutely magical!

Beltane FIre Festival Beltane FIre Festival

IG: chiaramaggiore_ph

15. In Ireland you will always find a beer, even in the smallest isolated and remote village!

What else to say? Ireland is waiting for you!

#landscapes, #nature, #Irish_music, #Irish_dance

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