nick.heinimann contributor

Lake District - The Gem Of The UK

Lake District - The Gem Of The UK

Situated on the northern side of of England there is a place called Lake Dsitrict. For some its too far to drive especially if you live in the south of England & for others its just a short trip away. Lake district has been featured in countless different newspapers and articles and is arguably the Iceland of the UK. We decided to visit it in October as it is said the best time of the month is October when all the autumn colours are out. Lake District it's self is pretty big so you wont be able to visit everything in a day but it is definatley manageble in 2-3 days. We were based in Windemere and explored places like Coniston lake, Ambleside,Buttermere, Derwentwater & Ullswater. These are just some of the spectacular places to be found at the Lake District. There is also the Honister pass which is a absolutely beautiful long lonley road made up of different valleys and waterfalls.

I'd highly recommend visiting Lake District if you are ever in the United kingdom/England. It is a place not to be missed when visiting. There are a ton of stunning lodges and prices from cheap to Luxury. I would recommend staying atleast 2-3 days

The cows up in Lake Dsitrict. The cows up in Lake Dsitrict.

Insane Autumn Colours Lake District Insane Autumn Colours Lake District

Another Dramatic Lake District Landscape Another Dramatic Lake District Landscape

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