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A Hike to "Vesuvius" Naples Volcano

A Hike to "Vesuvius" Naples Volcano

Somehting ironic yet spectacular about this volcano. Despite how dangerous it is to live around an active volcano, Neoploitans consider it as their guardian mount. People still want to climb Vesuvius, maybe for the mixed emotions that fill your body once your feet step there!

To be honest, such a feeling cannot be put into words nor be transmitted, but i can show you a glimpse of this breatkaing natural beauty.

If you want to go for hiking (Which is only allowed in summer and spring) you‘ll take about 1 and half hour to visit the crater. All you need is to make sure you were comfy shoes and here you go!

You can choose between these three options in order to reach there. The first option is that you can buy a ticket through some bus companies that move between naples and vesuvius, it will cost you around 15 Euros. Second option is to go by public transport, it will cost less but unfortunately it is not always working. You also have the third option which the car, you can go by your own car or rent one, but don't forget to check the traffic on google maps. Because you know, Naples :)!

One of those extraordinary things about this trip, is that you will get to see Naples from the Vesuvius perspective, imagine watching this whole controversial city from such an overwhelming spot.

Go through this experience and you'll never regret it. Believe me, it's worthwhile to tell your children that you have once climbed an active volcano!

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