
Designer Hostel for 12€ a night

Sorry for this rediculous cover.

Designer Hostel for 12€ a night

Where is it?

Cordoba, Argentine

Is it really 12€ a night?


Close to city center?

Not at all. It’s a suburb that has a lot of nice restaurants and cafes.

Does it worth to stay?

First if all, bus ride is crazy. Specially for me because I spent my whole life traveling by buses everyday. But it still worth it because in Cordoba city center, you can just be there couple of hours and you have already seen what you need to see.

This is the famous cathedral in Cordoba. This is the famous cathedral in Cordoba.

And now I will show you the Hostel!

First of all it has a pool and it’s all yours during weekdays! First of all it has a pool and it’s all yours during weekdays!

This is one of the lounge outside. This is one of the lounge outside.

It’s like from the magazines. It’s like from the magazines.

This is the lobby and in the morning they serve breakfast. This is the lobby and in the morning they serve breakfast.

Owner is super friendly.

This is the reading area and they have some books. This is the reading area and they have some books.

Near hostel there are nice cafes and one of them has a vegan option.

location location

#hostal, #hostel, #budget, #luxury, #luxurytravel, #luxuryhotels, #argentina, #travellikeahero

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wow thats so cheap! and not like the kind of hostel im used to seeing LOL

Respond to Comment 6 years ago

sure is !

Respond to Comment 6 years ago

That's a fancy hostel!

Respond to Comment 6 years ago