The Travel Bug – pt. 1
Thailand // 2016

Best sunset Koh Tao ever showed me! Taking this photo got me more into photography!
For the past 19 months I have been travelling full-time. 19 months ago, if someone told me this, I would have laughed at them even though it was my goal, but at the time I just didn’t see how it would be possible to achieve. Before setting off to do this full-time, I loved travelling whenever I could, but it hasn’t always been like that! I have always been surrounded by international communities due to my educational background, but it is only in the more recent years that I actually went travelling as opposed to just maybe visiting a friend somewhere in Europe.

The first time I really went solo travelling was in the summer of 2016, when I went to Thailand to do an internship for my University Degree in “Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management”. I started off at a hostel/guesthouse in Koh Samui, where I spent the first month, followed by 2 months of working at a 5* resort in Koh Tao. This 3 month working journey became some of the best 3 months of life experience I have ever had. I started off in the worst way possible by getting heavy food poisoning and being bedded for 5 days straight without being able to eat. I lost 8kg, and at the time in my sick state, I literally thought I was at a risk of dying from dehydration and malnourishment! Of course I got over it, and in hindsight it was a good experience overall because it was bound to happen at one point or another, so may aswell get it out of the way!

I completed a month in Koh Samui, exploring as much as I could after my daily working hours, and I was only just getting into the idea of photography at this time and this was purely because I felt like I HAD to document the beauty that was all around me. At the time the Asian landscapes were completely foreign to me and I felt like I was in a movie set at times. Then I headed to Koh Tao and it got even better! I felt like I had found my home away from home instantly, this island was a perfect piece of tropical paradise! Beaches, palmtrees everywhere, mountains, hikes, viewpoints, incredible food, new culture, diving, you name it! This island covered all bases for me and I was instantly hooked.

The work was tough in high temperatures and I had ridiculously long hours, but knowing that I could head to the beach or go on a hike or cliffjumping whenever I was between shifts and off work, made it all so much easier and it was so worth the long hours of Food&Beverage Management work!

After rounding off my internship, I stayed on the island for a bit and got my PADI diving license, my best friend came to visit me from Europe and all of a sudden I felt like I was showing him around my new home. I was taking him to all my favourite places and doing all my favourite things. I’ll never forget when he said to me that it seemed like i was basically a local there now - It was so strange to have this sense of being accepted by a new part of the world. At this point, I knew that I was going to be dedicating a lot more of my efforts to grant myself opportunities to travel. This was the first real long travel experience that immediately got me – it’s a fine combination of the ups, downs, new people and surroundings, that ultimately create your travel experience!