Unusual Animals
You have to see before they pass away

Since I became more environmental friendly and enlightened by couple of documentaries I have decided to see as much unusual animals as I can.
Dear brothers and sisters, animals are important. They and the plants are the reason why we should love our planet.
Here are some of them photographed by me.

You can see the story of the the eagle from my other post!

In Holbox Island Flamingos made my year count! After 2 hour walk under the sun and inside the water we reached one of the best beach I have seen in my life. No human sign and only seabirds. Our goal was seeing these eccentric animals. At the end of our walk we were dead and couldn’t find them. After 40 minutes break at the seaside they flew over us and became models for couple of people including me. Man, we were lucky! Nothing else. Other people couln’t get to see them. Later on we walked back 2 hours more and the sun was even stronger. When we arrived to civilization we went directly to the first restaurant we found and ordered whatever the plants based dish they had. We swallowed everything. Such a tiring day but unforgettable.


In a fisher-mans town, sealions were begging for some food from their auditions.

And the next and last inevitably is our family now. She is Sky. We found her in a neighborhood in Chile’s west coast. She was in bad conditions and wounded. We resqued her from her x owner and adopted her. She currently lives in California.

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