

Norway by caravan


A memorable trip to Norway with friends of 7 different nationalities. We had our local friend Bjoern to plan out the itinerary to the Fjords, lakes, mountains and the epic Trolltunga hike.

The starting point for this trip was in Bratislava. I joined the crew at Flensburg in the very north of Germany.

Norway ferry Norway ferry

One of the many ferries in Norway that connect the rugged terrain.

The landscape of Norway is incredibly varied. The landscape of Norway is incredibly varied.

One of the many ‘photo stops’ along the way. One of the many ‘photo stops’ along the way.

Driving in Norway is a cinematic experience. Driving in Norway is a cinematic experience.

 A little picnic with a view. German bread and Slovakian salami. A little picnic with a view. German bread and Slovakian salami.

Camping is fun as it brings you close to nature. Camping is fun as it brings you close to nature.

During summer the sun sets here at 11:30pm and rises at 2:30am. During summer the sun sets here at 11:30pm and rises at 2:30am.

Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.

I volunteered for sleeping in a tent. It’s part of the outdoor experience. I volunteered for sleeping in a tent. It’s part of the outdoor experience.

The largest underwater aquarium in the world. The largest underwater aquarium in the world.

One of the countless viewpoints. One of the countless viewpoints.

That’s the Trolltunga mascot. That’s the Trolltunga mascot.

And here we are! I’m sure you would agree that this is a world-class sight. It requires 28km of hiking. And here we are! I’m sure you would agree that this is a world-class sight. It requires 28km of hiking.

The long hike down. The long hike down.

Arranging stones that way supposedly leads to luck in Norway. Arranging stones that way supposedly leads to luck in Norway.

Norway has a history as a seafaring nation. Norway has a history as a seafaring nation.


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