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The Tallest Bronze Buddha Statue

Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

The Tallest Bronze Buddha Statue

The Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum is the largest Buddha Monastery in Taiwan. The museum holds one of the tooth relics of The Buddha, one of only three in the entire world. The Fo Guang Shan Museum is a must if you plan on a visit to Kaohsiung. The Fo Guang Shan Museum is the top 10 destinations to see in Taiwan. This golden Buddha statue is made of bronze and fifty meters tall making it the tallest bronze sitting Buddha in the world.

Buddha Museum Buddha Museum

The Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum is founded by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Venerable Master Hsing Yun is a Buddhist monk who began his spiritual journey in 1941. He was part of many organizations growing up promoting humanistic Buddhism. He began designing the Buddha Museum in the late ’60s. His organization now has over 200 branch temples worldwide.

Namaste right here Namaste right here

The Fo Guang Shan Museum holds a monastery, memorial center, temple, pagodas and much more. When I came here, I saw the Buddhist Museum, the Memorial Hall, and the Grand Buddha Statue. I spent about 2.5 - 3 hours here and still did not have enough time to see everything I wanted to. If you do plan on going here, this will take up an entire day.

Golden Buddha Golden Buddha

I spent some time in one of the temples speaking with monks. Along the walls has giant scripts written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun himself. When he was writing it, his vision and hearing were fading away but he managed to finish it. Because this place is very sacred, photos are prohibited in some parts. Please be mindful.

Walkway to the Buddha Museum Walkway to the Buddha Museum

It was so peaceful here, I did not want to leave. Namaste right here!

#temple, #taiwan, #monastery, #museum, #asia, #buddha, #kaohsiung

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