Sunrise at Doi Suthep

Visiting Doi Suthep at sunrise was easily the most peaceful morning I had during my visit in Thailand. This Buddhist Temple is located about 15 kilometers outside the city center of Chiang Mai, the easiest way to get there is usually a songthaew (Red Cab), but early in the morning my only option was a standard cab.

When I arrived at the foot of the temple, shop owners were just arriving and setting up for the day and there was almost no tourist traffic. I headed up the stairs towards the temple and upon entering I witnessed such a breathtaking moment; the monks doing their morning chants. Once they were finished, some of them started cleaning around the temple and others headed down to start collecting their daily alms for the people in the town.

The early morning is the best time to experience this temple as it is one of the more popular ones for tourists to visit. I went a few days prior to this in the middle of the day and it was jam packed. At sunrise, I was able to walk in the temple at a slow pace and take in every-little-detail.
Before heading back down, I went to the perimeter of the temple to watch the sun finish rising. This temple is probably one of the best places to watch the sunrise in Chiang Mai - you have an unobstructed view of the sun coming up over the sea of lush green trees!

At the end of my visit, I headed down to the town at the foot of the temple and got a smoothie and some breakfast from the street vendors. It was the perfect way to end my morning before heading back into the city.