The Infamous Bells Beach
Every surfers dream

For my birthday this year we jumped on an endless plane ride (Or atleast it felt like it!) and went to Australia. While I've been to Australia many times I had never been to Torquay, and as people who are constantly seeking something new we decided to head down. Torquay is about two hours south of Melbourne along the coast and is infamously known as a surfers beach town. If you live in Melbourne and want to go to Torquay. Period. We pulled into the sandy parking lot and were met with dozens of people 'suiting up' for the surf. Seeing people compare boards and wax brought a smile to my face.

We definently do NOT surf however we are suckers for a good beach. When transcending the long wooden staircase that snakes through the scrub toward the beach you will instantly see a few dozens kids with their surf instructors. Wobbling and jumping as they practice their balance on land before testing out their skills in the water. Squirming in their wetsuits and enviously eyeing the adults in the waves. Knowing that if they keep practicing they will be there soon enough.
We grabbed a spot on the sand, popped open our cooler of tinnies (canned beer in Aussie lingo) and just watched the commotion. Dogs darting back and forth, children playing in the sand, and adults lounging. You truly get the sense of why Australia is known to be so chill and relaxed.

Bells beach is home to the longest consecutive running surf event on the competitive circuit and in Australia. Sponsored yearly by Rip Curl. The Bells Surf trophy consists of the brass bell hanging from the mount, and it is one of competitive surfing’s greatest honours and achievements to ring that bell. even Kelly Slater has rung his Bell's Bell! The Bells beach event was where modern surfing was born. Needless to say they take their surfing VERY seriosuly down here.