Explore the Depths of Zebra Slot Canyon
Zebra Slot Canyon in Grand Staircase-Escalante NP

There’s only one way in and one way out and its through deep dark water that went up to our shoulders. We debated for ages whether it was worth going through, wondering what would be lurking in the murky water. In the end we dropped our bags and took the first step in…

Despite it being over 30 degrees outside, the water was FREEZING. We couldn’t laughing. It was either that or crying! The water started at our knees, then up to our waist, before finally climbing right up to our shoulders.

The ice cold water was just the beginning though. Not long after, we found ourselves wedged between the two walls of the canyon. It seemed to also be getting tighter and tighter as we continued to make our way through.

I wouldn’t say I’m claustrophobic, but there’s nothing comfortable about inching through a gap so small that it feels like you can get stuck at any moment.

We had made it this far though, there was no point in turning back now!

Once we had persevered through the deepest waters and squeezed through the tiniest spaces, we finally got to experience the part of the canyon that gave it it’s name. Layers and layers of smooth, stripy red walls. The sun had just peaked and shone through, creating beautiful contrast on the curves of the canyon.

Welcome to Zebra Slot Canyon!

We were wet, cold, and had a few cuts and bruises, but as usual, it was more than worth it.
These sort of moments remind me how we appreciate things a lot more when we have to work for them and we definitely worked hard for this one!

Now to walk back and go through it all over again!

Zebra Slot Canyon in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument was our third stop on The Big Trip. Follow us to see the rest of our journey as we spend 3 months exploring America’s most beautiful National Parks.