katerinandyinon contributor

Strolling Through The Streets Of Paros

Best spots to eat, drink and go ou

Strolling Through The Streets Of Paros

Paros may not be one of the top Greek islands on everyone's bucket list but it should be. It is centrally located and easy to get to and it has a nice mix of that authentic Greek island life atmosphere and enough tourism development to keep you entertained.

Linardo - dance \x26 nightclub Linardo - dance & nightclub
Barbaroussa Restaurant Barbaroussa Restaurant

The best place to stay in Paros by far is Naoussa. It offers the same charming narrow streets freckled with colorful flowers and cute little cafes, delicious Greek food and beautiful rocky virgin beaches you’ll find anywhere else in the Cyclades. But is also offers something more unique to Paros – this special insider vibe, the feeling that just enough people know about this place that it’s interesting to visit, but not enough to make it too overwhelming.

Naoussa sits pretty during the day with its idyllic white houses and splashes of bougainvillea color, but it comes even more alive at night. The streets get buzzing with the chic Euro crowd, cute boutique shops and trendy bars and restaurants spilling into the streets. Here are some of our favorite spots:

Come Back bar by the sea

Barbarossa Restaurant

Linardo cocktail bar

Bar Kosmos

Itria Cocktail Bar

Come Back - bar by the sea Come Back - bar by the sea

Streets of Naoussa Streets of Naoussa

Bar Kosmos Bar Kosmos

Itria Cocktail Bar Itria Cocktail Bar

#paros, #naoussa, #thingstodo

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