nick.heinimann contributor

Englands Jurassic Coast - Durdle Door

Englands Jurassic Coast - Durdle Door

Durdle Door is one of those places that I keep Returning too and a place that I absolutely love. The actual Durdle door itself is not much more than a arched rock formation but the scenery around it and the landscape around it absolutely breathtaking. Durdle Door is located on the south coast of England in a place known better as the Jurassic coast. The Jurassic coast is a long stretch of coastline stretching from the south east of england to the south west of england. If you are visiting London the drive to Durdle door is not that far and it would take you around 2 hours to get there. The best time to visit durdle door would be in the summer as that is when the place really comes alive. There is a ton of locals and lots of local shops and restaurants in which you can indulage yourself in the local cuisine. When you get to Durdle Door itself you can lay on the beach or walk around the surrounding Landscape, I'd recommend a dip into the pristine blue water when there as its a great way to cool off during a hot summers day.

A kid Enjoying the oceans view. A kid Enjoying the oceans view.

The Durdle Door itself The Durdle Door itself

Durdle Door also has a very rugged and rocky Landscape Durdle Door also has a very rugged and rocky Landscape

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