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Primrose Hill London

The iconic panoramic view across London

Primrose Hill London

This beautiful little spot at the very top of Regents Park has been featured in more romantic comedies than you can imagine, some of the best-known movies include the much loved Bridget Jones and The Edge of Reason, Paddington, The Lady in the Van and even the classic 101 Dalmations. Tourists visiting the area flock to this beautiful spot to experience the view overlooking the city for themselves, and it is definitely worth the little climb up there.

Once you’re up you can sit and enjoy the panoramic view of the London skyline. After a day of exploring the hustle and bustle of the city, grab some picnic food and make your way up to the top, the view is the perfect sunset backdrop for a romantic setting or a family gathering where the kids can play and run around.

I remember my first time going up there, we hadn’t long moved to London so not only hadn’t the novelty of living in such a great city worn off, we could take a step back, sit there and literally look at it from a distance. It was such a magical moment as it was a warm summers evening where we could watch the sunset and see the London lights get more and more prominent. It then became apparent why so many location scouts choose this as a filming spot as it captures the city in one swoop.

It is a good location for multiple sightseeing opportunities as it is a short walk back down the hill to London Zoo, surrounded by an array of beautiful photogenic London townhouses plus in the other direction you are in walking distance to the renowned Camden Town Market and lock where you can grab yourself some delectable lunch from the stalls and restaurants. Not to mention a scenic walk down regents canal.

London has such a special place in my heart so I’ll be sharing all my insider knowledge with everyone to ensure you make the most of your trip to the city!

Regents Canal, the scenic route to Camden Town Regents Canal, the scenic route to Camden Town

#london, #primrose_hill

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