Englands Most unknown Gem
The Chesterton Mill

The Chesterton Mill
Tucked away in the middle of birmingham lies a beautiful place not many tourists know about. Its called the chesteton windmill. The Windmill is warwicks most famous landmark located in the small village of Chesterton and located on a hill top over looking the village. The mill can be see from a few miles away. What is so special about this place is its simplicity and beauty. You'd think to yourself why am I just going all this way to see a windmill ? In actual fact the windmill is just the point of location and its surrounding plus the Windmill is what makes it so beautiful.
The best time to go would be before September when all the Wheat gets harvested. The combination of the green grass the wheat fields and the Windmill is what makes this place so so special. It is like something you would see in a movie and you think to yourself wow I wish I could be at this place. It has a beautiful green grass walkway all the way up to the windmill and once you arrive the views from the windmill are also really astounding . For photographers who want something different this is the place to go! Not many tourists or even local photographers photograph this place so If you want to stand out go visit! The location is really easily accessible by car and should not cost you more than £70 pounds for one day hire inclusive of fuel and Milage.