
New York

Experiencing the Big Apple for the first time

New York

Have a look at @Taslimah_s for more NYC images

When you arrive in New York City you realise you aren't in your own little world anymore. NYC is a place that brings much awe for many who have not been there before.

As soon as you look up, at some of the highest skyscrapers, its almost as if you're lost in the sky as you're looking up. Stunned by some of the tallest buildings you may see in one city. if you stare for too long you may get bumped by a local whose rushing off somewhere.

Its as if locals are so used to how things are and look there, that they never take anything in anymore. Their walks have a meaning and purpose to them which helps blind them to their surroundings. They are impervious to New York City’s charm.

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