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Marzamemi, Sicily

The charming fisherman’s village near Siracusa

Marzamemi, Sicily

There is a small charming village in Sicily you’ll fall in love with: Marzamemi.

The name is already magic; it stands for the Arabic “bay of the turtle doves”.

Piazza Regina Margherita Piazza Regina Margherita

Marzamemi, is a tiny fishing village in the province of Syracuse- another obligatory stop if you are visiting eastern Sicily- 5km kilometers away from Pachino and 23km from Noto, a fine baroque town.

The village dates back to around the year 1000, when the Arabs built the Tonnara (a typical tuna fishery), which was the most important in Sicily for many centuries.

What to see

When you arrive in Marzamemi you will be amazed by the lively colors around you; everything is pretty and nicely designed.

The Piazza Regina Margherita is the main attraction with two churches dedicated to the patron saint, San Francesco di Paola and the Villadorata Palace.

Have fun taking pictures of the picturesque and lovely fishermen’s houses, dating back to the 1600. You’ll feel like traveling back in time. One of the most characteristic is the "Casa del Forno", which was an old bakery.

The whole area around the Tonnara is full of cafes, restaurants and bars that will offer you a variety of food. You can try many of the traditional Sicilian foods, especially fish fry!

Other highlights in Marzamemi are the two small natural ports called "Fossa" and "Balata", where in the past the commercial ships of south-eastern Sicily departed.

In front of the port you will also see a tiny island. It’s the Brancati Isolotto, or Small Island, a private island owned by a doctor, with a beautiful red-painted villa in it.

Amazing, right?

Before entering Marzamemi, just remember that the entire village is pedestrianized, cars can be left just outside in a convenient parking lot.

Marzamemi will take you inside a magical atmosphere, especially at night when all lights are on and it seems to be in another idyllic world.

What are you waiting for? Just go!

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