Farmlife in Gayndah
Australia country lifestyle
Have you ever thought living a life as a farmer?
Likely most of the people answer will be a straight no, so would be mine until a couple of month ago. But ever since I decided to travel in Australia for a long period of time I had to change my mind. In fact anyone who wants to travel and eventually works in the country in order to get money to travel more can apply for a Working Holiday Visa. A kind of Visa that last up to 12 month for all people within 18 and 30 years. Whoever desires to stay in Australia an additional year after the first one need to college a 88 days period of regional work. Picking and packing fruits or vegetables are the most common options among backpackers but others available choices are mining, constructions, fishing, maintenance for a farm or working for a cattle station.
During my permanence in Australia I’ve been picking citrus in the rural town of Gayndah. With just roughly 1200 inhabitants it’s acknowledged as the oldest town of QLD.
The citrus season is taken really seriously by the population, reason why every two years in town takes place the Orange Festival, a week celebration that gather in the streets thousound of people from all around Australia. Thanks to its endless lands and suggestive country colours Gayndah will allow you to have a glimpse in what means living in rural zones, and who knows, it may make you wants to become a citrus pickers!