MAMA SHELTER Hotel By Philippe Starck
The first one burst onto the scene in Paris five years ago, followed by a second in Marseille. Lyon and Istanbul were next and the latest one recently opened its doors in Bordeaux, France. The Mama Shelter adventure is well and truly thriving and it looks like this is only the beginning as the Mama takeover is going across the Atlantic to West Hollywood, back to France’s Lille and quite possibly Berlin. Still in its soft-opening phase, we went to take a look at the latest Mama Shelter in Bordeaux. The ninth largest city in France, Bordeaux is the gateway to the sud-ouest (south-west) and its long stretch of sandy beaches. The Mama Shelter building, the former headquarters of France’s national gas company (GDF/Gaz de France) was built in the 1930s and is still, somewhat eerily, known as ‘La Tour du Gaz’ (the gas tower). Although seemingly non-descript from the outside, the building has a large roof terrace with views that stretch across Bordeaux all the way to the horizon. Thanks
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