andersovergaard contributor

Danza de la Pluma

Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca

Danza de la Pluma

Surrounded by lush green mountains, not far from the city of Oaxaca, is a small village called Teotitlán del Valle. Famous for its rugs and other textiles, the village is one of the oldest communities founded by the Zapotec people.

We visited during a time of year when the town explodes in celebration: the Fiesta of the Precious Blood of Christ, which features the magnificent Dance of the Feathers.

With the striking white stone church as their backdrop, young men dressed in fantastically colorful costumes leap, kneel, and hop around the town square, accompanied by a live band. The large circular plumes atop their heads resemble quarters spinning on a tabletop as the men twirl for hours in the hot sun. The dance tells the story of the Spanish conquest and has been carefully passed down from generation to generation.

The festival starts on the first Wednesday of July and lasts about a week. People come from all over to watch the dance, play carnival games, drink mezcal, eat sweet treats, and generally, celebrate.

#oaxaca, #traditionaldance

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