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ABQ London

Breaking Bad Themed Cocktail Bar

ABQ London

ABQ London, also known as the “Breaking Bad” themed bar, is one of the most unique and immersive cocktail bars in the UK capital. Experiential bars that are ornately themed are all the rage in London at the moment, but ABQ is special because this bar gives you the chance to make your own molecular cocktails! You’ll use ingredients like dry ice to infuse your drinks with special flavors and create sweet foams to top your drink with! If you’re a fan of “Breaking Bad,” an American TV show about a high school chemistry teacher turned drug dealer, you’ll love the attention to detail! Don’t worry if you haven’t seen the show- my friend had never seen an episode of the show and still loved making his own cocktails using science equipment!

Drinks in Beakers! Drinks in Beakers!

Head upstairs to the shot bar for another cool experience only available at ABQ. There are three arcade games on the upper level of the bar, and your score determines the kind of shot the bartender will mix up for you! ABQ is a must visit for anyone looking for a unique night out in London.

Mixing Up Our Cocktails Mixing Up Our Cocktails

#london, #drinks, #immersive_cocktail_experiences, #cocktail_bar

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