

Definitely not Overrated


As a photographer myself, I highly recommend not getting stuck behind a photographer driving in Iceland, because it is legitimately a hazard to everyone’s health. The amount of reckless ”skrrrr” (image squealing tires) that happened in Iceland I blush at and really try to block out of my mind. There were just so many beautiful sights to photograph!

Everyone who visits Iceland seems to go the camper van route, but there really wasn’t a solid option if there are three people in your traveling entourage. (My mom [featured in above shot], my sister, and I) So we went the 4x4 direction with a pop up tent on top. This only slept two people, so we all took turns sleeping in the car. Wasn’t half bad for our 9 days we spent circling the entire ring road.

Pro Tip: During the Summer months they have that delicious 24 hr sun, so learn to take advantage. Now 24 hr sun doesn't mean noon all Day. It really adds up to more of a 4 hr sunset between 12 and 4. Cue every photographer drooling. I mean its bright enough you could go hiking at 2 am. So if you get chilled easily like we do, or like avoiding the inevitable crowds and places that still definitely warrant a stop on your trip, try switching up your sleeping schedule. We stayed up until 3 or 4 every day and then woke up around Noon. Just know that stores usually close around 4ish outside of the bigger cities. So of you need to restock supplies, do so early in the day.

Check out the hot springs if you get a chance, but keep in mind they should really be renamed “slightly warmer than lukewarm, but slightly colder than you’d wish” Check out the hot springs if you get a chance, but keep in mind they should really be renamed “slightly warmer than lukewarm, but slightly colder than you’d wish”

Pro Tip: Do your research on these. Lots of places are labeled hot springs that chalk up to being nothing more than a warmish swimming pool they charge for. And there are gorgeous spas made out of some of the natural springs that are a little bit of cash. But if you are a bit adventurous, try finding a place like the one above that was about a 15 minute hike between some hills along a river bed. Nothing else there but a couple changing rooms.

The whale watching at Husavik Bay was one of the most hushed and magical experiences of my life. The whale watching at Husavik Bay was one of the most hushed and magical experiences of my life.

Gullfoss (Fun side note, most words ending in ”foss” have a waterfall near them or are a waterfall) Gullfoss (Fun side note, most words ending in ”foss” have a waterfall near them or are a waterfall)

Skogafoss Pro Tip: You can camp RIGHT beside this waterfall!!  Actually most beautiful sights have a campground within a stones throw. Skogafoss Pro Tip: You can camp RIGHT beside this waterfall!! Actually most beautiful sights have a campground within a stones throw.
Godafoss Godafoss

Peek that glacier in the distance. Something to think about when hiking a trail close to a glacier.... IT GETS COLDER THE CLOSER YOU GET.   I may have been the less the brilliant individual who took a sec to put that together.  Peek that glacier in the distance. Something to think about when hiking a trail close to a glacier.... IT GETS COLDER THE CLOSER YOU GET. I may have been the less the brilliant individual who took a sec to put that together.

The wildflowers were an abundant and welcome surprise.  Because even though its July... it can be quite brisk and my knit cap was my best friend some days. The wildflowers were an abundant and welcome surprise. Because even though its July... it can be quite brisk and my knit cap was my best friend some days.

Wishing this was the car we Rented... But im not quite there yet.  Also ye Americans (like myself) and those used to driving an automatic and not quite on speaking terms with manual (my boyfriend is making me work on that)... Keep an eye on your rental when you\x27re booking.  There are a lot more manual options than automatic.  Also, if you aren\x27t renting at the airport (we rented in Reykjavik) The airport is almost an hour from the capitol. (The airport is located in Kaflavik) So dont just hop in a cab, because you will find yourself in a couple hundred very fast!  We opted for a special bus they use to transport tourists.  Still a touch pricey. But WAY better than taxi. Wishing this was the car we Rented... But im not quite there yet. Also ye Americans (like myself) and those used to driving an automatic and not quite on speaking terms with manual (my boyfriend is making me work on that)... Keep an eye on your rental when you're booking. There are a lot more manual options than automatic. Also, if you aren't renting at the airport (we rented in Reykjavik) The airport is almost an hour from the capitol. (The airport is located in Kaflavik) So dont just hop in a cab, because you will find yourself in a couple hundred very fast! We opted for a special bus they use to transport tourists. Still a touch pricey. But WAY better than taxi.

Last Note...  Don\x27t just skip Reykjavik.  We spent an incredible  few days wandering the city. Every shop, restaurant, museum, and park had a personality of its own. But don‘t let them talk you into eating the fermented shark.   Last Note... Don't just skip Reykjavik. We spent an incredible few days wandering the city. Every shop, restaurant, museum, and park had a personality of its own. But don‘t let them talk you into eating the fermented shark.

Iceland really is one of the easiest places i have ever traveled and would jump at the opportunity to go back.

#iceland, #roadtrip, #camping, #mountains, #waterfalls, #whereto_goin_iceland, #ringroad, #reykjavik, #carcamping, #tent

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Adding Iceland to places to visit soon. Great pics!

Respond to Comment 6 years ago

it is SO BEAUTIFUL! If you can make it happen and go!

Respond to Comment 6 years ago